About Nanna Kimmie
Nanna tells
"I am a Danish visual designer who works across art and design. My work is built around the natural contrasts between the controlled and the uncontrolled, between the raw and unpolished in contrast to a clean and simple expression. The inspiration for both colors and silhouettes are often found in natural materials, but also in man and are therefore strongly represented in my work.
With a background in Visual Communication Design at Via Design (formerly known as TEKO), my products are often associated with a graphic expression, however, I combine my creativity between different techniques within handcraft and digital graphic illustrations.
My mission is to create work that invites observation of the human body, to appreciate the value of the natural surfaces and shapes, to put the tactile sense in focus and lastly to reflect a flow of thought in the form of abstract playful forms and lines."
Miljøbevidst printet
Hos R E S P O N S gallery gør vi alt vi kan, for at passe på miljøet.
Denne plakat er produceret på 230 g. mat FSC-certificeret papir, som sikrer ansvarligt drevne skove. Det sikrer at der ikke bliver fældet mere træ, end skoven kan nå at reproducere. Samtidig er FSC en sikkerhed for, at dyr og planteliv bliver beskyttet, samt ordenlig arbejdsforhold for skovarbejderne. Læs evt. mere her.